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Laser Therapy Specialist

Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy

Occupational Therapists & Physical Therapy located in Fresh Meadows, NY & Little Neck, NY

If pain and inflammation affect your ability to participate in your rehabilitation program, you might benefit from laser therapy. At Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy, in the Fresh Meadows area of Queens, New York City, and Little Neck, New York, the team of health experts uses many innovative tools to support healing, health, and function, including laser therapy. Call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online today.

Laser Therapy Q & A

What is laser therapy?

Laser therapy is one of the services available at Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy. The highly trained professionals use the most advanced tools and technology available to help their patients regain and restore function as quickly and safely as possible.

The team uses laser therapy to support the body’s natural healing process, easing pain, reducing inflammation, and accelerating tissue regeneration. 

By improving the natural healing process, laser therapy eases discomfort when combined with other rehabilitation services like physical therapy.

What are the types of laser therapy?

Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy offers many types of laser therapy. 

Cold laser therapy

Cold laser therapy is a low-intensity laser treatment. The low-level light energy doesn’t heat your body like other types of lasers. 

Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy may use cold laser therapy to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, back pain, or hip pain.

Super-luminous diodes (SLDs)

SLDs are a type of cold laser therapy with multiple wavelengths, allowing the Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy team to treat superficial conditions like peripheral neuropathy. 

Shock therapy

Shock therapy, also known as extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), uses sound waves instead of laser energy to stimulate healing. 

Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy may recommend shock therapy to treat conditions like plantar fasciitis, tendon injuries, and stress fractures.  

How does laser therapy work?

Laser therapy works by triggering activity in your damaged cells. 

During therapy, your provider places the laser wand over the injured body part. The low-level laser energy penetrates your skin, targeting the damaged cells underneath. 

The energy heats the cell, initiating a physiological response that triggers the cell's self-repair system.

Am I a candidate for laser therapy?

Schedule a consultation with the Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy team to see if laser therapy can help you. The health professionals conduct a comprehensive initial evaluation before making any treatment recommendations.

If you have an injury or musculoskeletal pain condition that’s affecting your quality of life or ability to participate in other treatments like physical therapy, laser therapy might be right for you. 

Call Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy or book your laser therapy consultation online today.